Saturday, March 14, 2020

Making a Bigger Impact Than Cornoavirus

Normally my Saturday would have started by sitting on the sidelines of my son's soccer game. I would have then coached my daughter's game and chased around doing things that need to be done before a new week starts. I would have spent my day tomorrow in worship services. Monday, I would have started our weekly routine of work, school, games, and other activities all over again. 

Instead, I am sitting here on my couch writing. All the games have been cancelled. Worship services for tomorrow have been cancelled. Come Monday, I will not be returning to work at least for a few weeks. I am worrying about when toilet paper will become available again because we are down to a few last rolls. I finally turned my phone off. The constant bombardment of messages, emails, news stories, and people in panic has me exhausted.

How did something that started across the world come to affect my life so greatly? And not just my life, but it has literally affected the entire world--a virus that started in one small place. To that I don't have all of the answers, but there is one truth highlighted that I do know for sure. The impact of just one place, one person, one choice is more far-reaching than we can ever imagine.   

The Coronavirus has closed schools, businesses, leagues, and corporations. The economic impact will surely be devastating to many businesses which ripples further down to the families who need the work and income to provide for their families. Children who rely on the school for their meals may struggle through the coming weeks. Athletes are losing future opportunities because of their seasons being canceled. The consequences are too numerous to list and there are many unknowns about how this will continue to influence our families and communities. But my question is, "what am I going to do about it?" 

Am I going to sit around being upset about all the important events being cancelled or am I going to take the opportunity to reflect and ensure that my life is aligned with God's will, spend quality time with my children, and strengthen my home?

Am I going to let panic take over and push and shove through the crowds to get to the last roll of toilet paper on the shelf or am I going to see what items I can spare that someone else may stand in need of?

Am I going to be an example of what fear looks like or what faith looks like?

Finally, am I going to add to the stress and chaos or am I going to stand and make a difference for good?

During this tumultuous time, we have all been given a unique opportunity to lift where we stand and make an impact for good. We can use this time to strengthen our families, lift our friends, and build more unified communities by serving and reaching out in love. I dare say the rippling effects of choosing to react in that manner can spread just as far and wide as the Coronavirus itself! In a time when a single virus is affecting the entire world, we have the power to make just as big of an impact for good!